
Try: ca/tecreations/ViewFile.php

check it out : <a href="">Tree (Abstract Data Type)</a>
                The <code class="redGrey"><a href="">java</a></code> Command
                <code class="redGrey">java</code> --&gt; <a href="">Class Path</a>
<br />
<br />

    function incTec8() {

    function incJars() {
    global $tec8_DaysOld, $tec8_jars_DaysOld;
    $path = $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR;
    $tec8_Modified = filemtime($DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8.jar");
    $tec8_jars_Modified = filemtime($DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8_jars.jar");

    $tec8_DT = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s.u",$tec8_Modified));
    $tec8_jars_DT = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s.u",$tec8_jars_Modified));

    $tec8_DaysOld = getDaysBetween_DateTime($now,$tec8_DT);
    $tec8_jars_DaysOld = getDaysBetween_DateTime($now,$tec8_jars_DT);

<div class="jumbotron padded">
<p>Every import is an oppotunity to see how to approach a possible solution and to probably modify to create your own, if you are sufficiently capable.</p>
<img src="/ca/tecreations/likeThisQ_QuestionMark_Better_Tim.png" alt="Typical commands to run CaptureTool" alt-text="Typical commands to run CaptureTool"/><br />
<br />

Typical commands to run CaptureTool.<br />
<pre><code class="blueGrey">
cd downloads
java -cp tec8.jar ca.tecreations.apps.capturetool.CaptureTool
<br />
<!-- previous to the above block. Safe for Deletion???
<hr />
<p>Like this? : <img src="/ca/tecreations/likeThisQ_QuestionMark_Better.png" alt="A screen capture of tim's machine, live, within an acceptable range of time, in reality." alt-text="A screen capture of tim's machine, live, within an acceptable range of time, in reality."/><br />
A capture from one of my machines, upon running CaptureTool. So like howto4?<br />

<div class="padded jumbotron">
   <p><span class="tec_orange_underlined">HOWTO</span> -- A <a href="">sample</a> setup to get JavaCompiler (Compile On Save) started and eventually, FileTool</p>
<div class="padded jumbotron">

    <p><strong>Running the Library Software:</strong></p>
        <li>Get Java</li>
            <li>Install Java Development Kit (Requires Version 11 or Higher, Older than 17 will require Building.) : <a href="">Oracle JDK</a>, <a href="">OpenJDK</a>, <a href="">OpenJDK Direct Download</a>.</li>
            <li>Compile To: Java Version: <code class="blueGrey">java --version >= 17</code>.</li>
	<br />
    	<li>Download tec8.jar. This is the code.</li>
<br />
            <li><a href="" id='tec8_download' onclick="incTec8()">tec8.jar</a> -- Last Modified: <span class="redGrey"><?php echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$tec8_Modified); ?></span> -- <span class="darkGreenGrey">Days Old: <?php GLOBAL $tec8_DaysOld; echo $tec8_DaysOld; ?></span> -- <span class="lightGreenGrey">Downloads: 
require_once $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "demo_db.php"; 
global $demo_db;

$result = $demo_db->select("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE abspath='" . $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8.jar" . "'");
if ($result['count'] == 0) {
    $demo_db->issue("INSERT INTO downloads('abspath') VALUES ('" . $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8.jar" . "')");
} else {
    $data = $result['rows'];

        <br />
        <li>Download tec8_jars.jar. These are all the dependencies.</li>
<br />
            <li><a href="" id='tec8_jars_download' onclick="incJars()">tec8_jars.jar</a> -- Last Modified: <span class="redGrey"><?php echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$tec8_jars_Modified); ?></span> -- <span class="darkGreenGrey">Days Old: <?php GLOBAL $tec8_jars_DaysOld; echo $tec8_jars_DaysOld; ?></span> -- <span class="lightGreenGrey">Downloads: 
require_once $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "demo_db.php"; 
global $demo_db;

$result = $demo_db->select("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE abspath='" . $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8_jars.jar" . "'");
if ($result['count'] == 0) {
    $demo_db->issue("REPLACE INTO downloads (abspath,count) VALUES ('" . $DOCROOT . $TEC_PREFIX_DIR . "tec8_jars.jar" . "','0')");
} else {
    $data = $result['rows'];

        <br />
        <li>Create a project called tec8 and create a jars folder within it and extract the jars in the /jars/ folder to that project's '/jars/' folder, 
        then add all of those jars to your IDE dependencies to run from your IDE. I think I'm on NetBeans 18, but any version that supports either an Ant Project
        or Java Project with Existing Sources will work, or you can just run java... Similarly, any ide that supports those characteristics should be fine.
        First run JavaCompiler to understand how to compile, See Below. Most of my programs will just run without arguments 
        and prompt for necessary data, but I also have some shortcut files for processes, like Deploy, 
        and specific classes that require input like Build, JavaLauncher, FindInComputer, FindInFile, etc. I haven't really done much on FindInNetwork or NetworkLauncher.<br />
        <br />
        <li>Use WinRar to view the code, if desired, before building/running/deployment.</li>
        <br />
        <b>Runtime:</b> ( <code>cd Downloads</code> ) 
        <br />
            <li><i>Without Any Compilation : <b>As Is</b></i>
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp tec8.jar ca.tecreations.apps.capturetool.CaptureTool</code></li>
            <br />
            <li><i>Without Any Dependencies, but must Unpack to Project and Configure PROJECTS_HOME</i><br />
            <br />
            Set PROJECTS_HOME in ca/tecreations/ and compile manually. Once that is done...<br />
            <br />
                <ul><code>cd PROJECTS_HOME\tec8</code>
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp . ca.tecreations.apps.javacompiler.JavaCompiler</code></li>
            <br />
            <li><i>With Dependencies -- Unpack first and specify .jars location?.</i>
                <ul><code>cd PROJECTS_HOME\tec8</code>
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp .;.\jars\* ca.tecreations.apps.deploy.Deploy</code></li>
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp .;.\jars\* ca.tecreations.apps.filetool.Filetool</code></li>
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp .;.\jars\*</code> : <strong><i>TLSServer and TLSClient</i> --&gt; LocalTLS..., --&gt; NetworkTLS...</strong></li>
                    <br />
                    <li><code class="blueGrey">java -cp .:./jars/* ca.tecreations.apps.deploy.Deploy</code> -- Mac/Linux example, for Deploy. Untested.</li>
        <br />
                <li>Aargh, matey. $1 CAD per user.</li>
        <br /> 
        <li>Have fun coding!!!</li>
        <br /> 